
Frequently used forms

Budget Transfer Request Form
Grant Expense Transfer Request Form
PeopleSoft Access Request Form
PeopleSoft Access Request Form (For Additional Roles/Access)

To access the following forms, please click on the name of the form and then use the corresponding dropdown menu:

System Logins


UTEP - Research & Innovation:

Expertise Connector
R&I-Research Administrators Assignment Lookup
R&I-Research Administration Handbook

UTEP - Financial Reporting:

Annual Financial Reports

UTEP - Grants:

Cost Sharing - Companion Accounting Process
Grants Expense KK Tree
Credit Card Payment Policy

U.S. General Services Administration:

GSA Per Diem Rates

The Federal Funding Accountability
and Transparency Act (FFATA):

The FFATA Subaward Reporting System (FSRS)

UTEP - PeopleSoft:

Available Queries & Reports
PeopleSoft Forms
PeopleSoft Training

U.S. Department of State:

International Travel
Travel Country Alert & Warnings

UTEP - Online Forms Portal:

UTEP Forms Library


State Reports

Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts:

State Travel Resources

The White House Executive Office - Office of Management and Budget:

OMB Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards
Federal Register: Final (Rule) Guidance - Rules and Regulations
Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (e-CFR) - Part 200